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The perfect combination of punching and sewing, the new car maybach also use it!

Release Time:2021-01-21views:0

  The perfect combination of punching and sewing, the new car maybach also use it!

  In order to meet the modern people for the details and texture of critical, car seats also pay attention to delicate workmanship. Richpeace has a monochrome automatic punching and sewing machine together,Out of more combinations of flowers,

  The new car maybch of seats, the punching is combined with the sewing process.its not only comfortable and breathable and luxurious .

Richpeace punching and sewing machine use  the new car maybach

Richpeace punching and sewing machine

  range of application

  Suitable for car seats, cushions, leather and other sewing,The same applies to the sofa, massage chairs, office chairs and other fields.

  Richpeace punching and sewing the role of the machine together

Richpeace punching and sewing machine Suitable for car seats

Richpeace punching and sewing machine application

  performance feature

  Computer program automatic control,the computer replace the worker.

  To achieve sewing and punching together, the computer control punching point, out of the desired combination of flowers;

  Machine operation is simple and easy to learn, not require professional operators to reduce reliance on skilled workers;

  Sewing any design, easy to achieve special sewing technology;

  Sewing thread footprints consistent and consistent quality, bad products appear less frequently

  high working speed and accurate design .

  Punching machine head and sewing machine head spacing 200mm,Sewing and punching switching time negligible, to maximize work efficiency;

  Sewing machine head and punch the first independent movements, to ensure the actual work area, but also to open the tooling template, the more convenient refueling.